About Signage Eternity

Signage Eternity is an online community of Christian ministers and believers who have a common burden of reaching out to God’s crowning creation, mankind itself, through words, deeds and whatever means possible and to lead them to experience all the gifts which are ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In this ever growing fast paced world when everybody is trying to keep pace with the world there are many out there who wish to carry out the ideas of the great commission as mentioned in Mat. 28:18-20 in whatever means available to them. Signage Eternity seeks to create such a platform for believers and ministers all over the world to preach the Gospel and to teach the multitudes about the goodness and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ even though they are unable to physically go into the nations, but by making their articles, sermons, videos, testimonies, songs…etc reach the corners of the earth through the powerful tool of the internet.
Signage eternity is a venture to advocate the gospel of Jesus Christ through words and deeds, by carrying out His commandment to be the light and salt of the world. The term ‘signage’ stands for a collection of sign boards pointing towards Christ and ‘eternity’ stands for the eternal life, joy and peace we receive through Christ.

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Guilty Yet Pardoned

Read: 1 Tim. 1:12-17 A man was filling out a job application and he came to the question “Have you ever been arrested?” He wrote, “No.” The ...